


Chow Fan Fu is currently the Vice-Chairman and a professional member of the International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC).  He is also an examiner of Hong Kong Arts Development Council.  He has actively involved in promoting music and culture in Hong Kong, Macau and China, and has been awarded the Medal of Honour(MH)by the HKSAR Government in 2011 for his distinguished contributions in promoting of music and culture.


Chow is an established arts and culture critic, as well as a columnist writing about music and culture, with papers and articles published in magazines and newspapers in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Mainland China. His papers and books cover a wide range of topics.


Chow has been a host to classical music programmes on Radio Four of RTHK for a long time since 1982.


文章 (11篇)


2004 / 07 / 13

男性依附女性 音樂依附戲劇——評《2月14》的戲劇與音樂

2005 / 02


2007 / 12


2007 / 12


2008 / 06 / 18


2012 / 08


2012 / 08

Xiqu vs Chinese Opera

2013 / 02 / 21

謎團無答案 解讀有方向——評說重臨亞洲的《沙灘上的愛因斯坦》

2013 / 06

獻給辛波絲卡有詩有音樂有舞蹈 顛覆哈姆雷特多元多角度多層次

2013 / 12 / 26


2017 / 09